Friday, July 20, 2007

It's Hot Hot Hot!

Wow, it's hot.

I'm just lying around on the floor where it's cool. I don't understand why the A/C isn't on today. It's more fun to be closer to the birds, but seriously it's SO humid.

Obie got his nails cut. Next week Jake is getting a bath (but he doesn't know). They go to the Lucky Dog Salon - the people there are WONDERFUL. Obie actually sat in the man's lap.

Well, I'm starved, I'm going to go find some food now that Mommy's home.


Sunday, April 29, 2007

While the Mommy's away the cats will play...

Mommy went away for the weekend, and we missed her. Now we are all following her around so she remembers who we are.

Daddy was here with us....he missed Mommy too. One thing, he feeds us more...even if they are feeding this new healthy holistic food b/c of some problem with contaminated food. There isn't as much gravy in the food, but we like the crunch of the dry food better then the old stuff.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Spring cleaning

Obie is about 5 lbs lighter, and Jake about 2 lbs lighter. Yesterday, Daddy was vacuuming again - and noticed a TON of cat hair. What does he want? We're's spring! Anyway, Mommy and Daddy decided to brush us and find out who the shedding culprit is! Turns out Jake and Obie are tied! I'm good about cleaning spy training taught me not to leave any DNA evidence of myself floating around. Daddy just kept brushing and brushing and brushing and fur kept coming!

Oh and the toothbrush came out AGAIN - Mommy is obsessed with cleaning my back teeth. Why can't she just feed me the yummy toothpaste and forget about the brushing?

Oh, and it's finally nice out so we can watch the squirrels in the back yard! Someday I'll get them!


Monday, February 26, 2007

Why can't I open the cabinets?

Daddy did something. I used to be able to jump right in the cabinet under the sink in the kitchen and the bathroom. Now as hard as I try I can't open the door. I heard Mommy telling Daddy that I lick things. I think maybe she was worried about me licking cleaner? I'm not that dumb. Seriously. It was a great place to hide! I guess I'll have to try the cabinets about the sink.....


Thursday, January 4, 2007

This is a picture of the 'rents

So we don't have any pictures of ourselves - We're working on that! But we do have some of the Mom and Dad. It's not a great picture of them...but then again they aren't as good looking as us!

Obie, Jake and Elwood