Sunday, March 11, 2007

Spring cleaning

Obie is about 5 lbs lighter, and Jake about 2 lbs lighter. Yesterday, Daddy was vacuuming again - and noticed a TON of cat hair. What does he want? We're's spring! Anyway, Mommy and Daddy decided to brush us and find out who the shedding culprit is! Turns out Jake and Obie are tied! I'm good about cleaning spy training taught me not to leave any DNA evidence of myself floating around. Daddy just kept brushing and brushing and brushing and fur kept coming!

Oh and the toothbrush came out AGAIN - Mommy is obsessed with cleaning my back teeth. Why can't she just feed me the yummy toothpaste and forget about the brushing?

Oh, and it's finally nice out so we can watch the squirrels in the back yard! Someday I'll get them!
